Types of Endoscopies and AERs

Types of Endoscopy Procedures

AERs are used in both the dental field and medical field for cleaning instruments. But AERs for cleaning endoscopy instruments are more specialized and there are a number of additional factors to consider when trying to evaluate the best automated endoscopic reprocessor to use in your practice. 

Endoscopy instruments are typically more delicate and complex than dental instruments. They require specialized cleaning and disinfection procedures to ensure that these instruments are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. As such, you will need an AER that is specifically designed and validated for endoscope reprocessing.

As you probably already know, endoscopy involves the insertion of a long (and very thin in some cases) tube into the body. It allows for the observation of internal organs. It's commonly used to closely inspect the gastrointestinal tract but it also can be used in imaging, surgery and various other procedures.

The first endoscope was invented in approximately 1806. And due to its minimally invasive, low risk and easy use through existing orifices in the body these medical instruments have proven to be extremely helpful. They also can be used through small incisions when necessary still with minimal risk. 

While endoscopy is widely used for investigational uses, it also can be used to remove tumors, polyps or a host of other medical procedures depending the type of endoscopy being performed.

There are 5 basic types of endoscopy

  • Respiratory Tract: Nose (rhinoscopy), Lower Respiratory Tract (bronchoscopy)
  • Gastrointestinal Tract: Duodenum, Esophagus and Stomach (esophagogastroduodenoscopy), Small Intestine (enteroscopy), Large Intestine (colonoscopy), Bile Duct (rectoscopy) and Anus (anoscopy)
  • Urinary Tract: Cystoscopy
  • Ear: Otoscopy
  • Small Incision: Abdominal or Pelvic (laparoscopy), Joints (arthroscopy), Chest Organs (thoracoscopy & mediastinoscopy)
  • Reproductive Tract: Gynoscopy | Cervix (colposcopy) , Uterus (hysteroscopy), Fallopian Tubes (falloposcopy)

MedService Repair typically sells, repairs and services AERs used to sterilize flexible endoscopes for the Gastrointestinal Tract. One such device to consider is the DSD EDGE™ Dual Basin AER. It makes a lot of sense for many practices but we offer and service many other manufacturers and models that may make even more sense for your practice in some cases. The DSD EDGE™ offers a dual basin design and incorporates a fully-independent and asynchronous basins that are designed specifically for medical practices offering endoscopy services. This system offers one of the fastest processing turn-around times at 22 minutes which will equate to more patients seen and more revenue generated.

Depending on the endoscope reprocessing device you use, reprocessing can sometimes takes a very long time with a very complicated set of instructions. These may range from 50 to more than 100 steps that might take well over an hour to perform if all the manufacturer's specific directions are followed. So you can easily understand why 22 minutes vs over an hour can more than double your offices productivity and efficiency.

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