What is a Scope Washer?

In medical facilities, cleanliness is not just a requirement—it's a matter of life and death. And one crucial piece of equipment with regards to maintaining cleanliness is the scope washer. A scope washer, or scope cleaner, is a machine designed to clean and disinfect endoscopes. These instruments, used for internal examinations, must be spotless and sterile after each use. Without proper cleaning, they could become a breeding ground for bacteria and through cross contamination risk patient safety. This guide covers a number of topics that will help you understand more about scope washers and ...

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  722 Hits

AER Preventative Maintenance Service

 It might seem like common sense that Preventative Maintenance on AERs is critical, but many companies don't think about, take the time, or have the time to implement it. That's where companies like MedService Repair can help. We offer preventive maintenance services and maintenance kits to make this essential task as easy as possible for you no matter what brand of AER your office is currently using. Automated Endoscope Reprocessers are used in the healthcare industry where gastroenterology and surgical departments perform endoscopic procedures regularly. AERs are critical to the cleanin...

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  882 Hits

ASP Preventative Maintenance (ASP AER)

The ASP AER (Automated Endoscope Reprocessor) system is an extremely critical and valuable piece of equipment to the healthcare industry. Facilities that use endoscopes would typically know this first hand. An AER cleans and disinfects endoscopes post use increasing safety levels for patients and making your medical facility operate more efficiently. For an AER to continue to run properly, extend its life expectancy and to keep it cost effective preventative maintenance is the key. Therefore, we thought an article that outlined some of the reasons that preventative maintenance makes sense incl...

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  914 Hits

Preventative Maintenance Accountability

Regular preventive maintenance and service of virtually every make and model of medical equipment is extremely important for a host of reasons. That includes the top manufacturers like Steris, Medivators (Cantel), ASP/J&J, Olympus and Custom Ultrasonics. And yet in busy medical offices across the nation, thinking about the service schedule and maintenance of medical equipment is rarely at the forefront of attention as there's just so many things that must be paid attention to. Considering the consequences of equipment malfunction or it being inoperable, it makes good sense to have a regula...

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  1262 Hits

Service & Maintenance Strategy

The investment required in medical devices is huge no matter what manufacturer's solutions you've chosen. So, implementing a strategic service and maintenance plan makes good sense. For instance, let's say you purchased a DSD Edge AER from Cantel. (previously Medivators). The Cantel Service and maintenance department Is probably the first solution that comes to mind. Third party service and maintenance offerings might be your second thought and MedService Repair is here to help you in that regard. But there's a third strategic option that you might be interested in as well called "training". H...

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  1449 Hits

Steris System 1E Maintenance

System 1E Preventative Maintenance

We wanted to talk a little about the Steris System 1E. We'll be covering the basics on how it works and what things you should consider when choosing a company to handle your Steris System 1E PM (preventative maintenance). The Steris System 1E is used for high-level disinfection of medical instruments. It's obviously manufactured by Steris and has been an extremely popular unit. The Steris Corporation has been specializing in infection prevention and sterilization solutions in the healthcare industry for years now and clearly have a good handle on producing high quality medical devices. The St...

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  1636 Hits

Scope Buddy Plus VS Scope Buddy

So what's the difference between the Scope Buddy Plus and its predecessor, the Scope Buddy? Efficiency and reliability are paramount in the medical field. Medical professionals rely heavily on advanced equipment to ensure accurate diagnoses and in choosing the most effective procedures to treat conditions. The Scope Buddy and Scope Buddy Plus are two popular devices used in endoscopy procedures. They are designed to streamline workflow and improve results and outcomes. Both, the Scope Buddy and Scope Buddy Plus share the same general purposes but there are noteworthy differences between the or...

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  1985 Hits

Tech Support for Medivators Equipment

MedService Repair offers expert Technical Support for Medivators equipment. Our technicians have the experience and training required to assist you with almost any question you might have about your Medivators medical equipment. Whether it's for endoscopes, AERs (automated endoscope reprocessors), inspections, preventative maintenance or any related repair, we've got you covered.  Troubleshooting Medivators Medical Equipment If you're encountering warning messages displayed on the LCD screen alerting you to operational malfunctions, we can help. We've been servicing Medivators equipment f...

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  4426 Hits

Advantage Plus PM

The Medivators Advantage Plus has a long feature list and was designed specifically for quick and easy use and relatively simple maintenance. The Advantage Plus was designed to test, clean, disinfect and rinse endoscopes. There's a long list of features related to the disinfection of endoscopes for this amazing machine and some of the highlights are: Individual channel connectively Channel blockage monitoring Dedicated computer system (PC) controlling all aspects of the reprocessing cycle(s) and recording. The reporting capabilities ensures quality assurance and backups are simple to manage. I...

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  1686 Hits

Save 20% on AER Preventative Maintenance Kits

You Perform Preventative AER Maintenance Every Year... Why Not Save up to 20% on your AER Preventative Maintenance Kits? Now you can with Preventative Maintenance Kits from MedService Repair! MedService Repair provides qualified PM Kits for your Medivators Endoscope Reprocessors Medivators Reprocessor Model MSR PM Kit # MSR Annual Filter Package # Service Availability DSD-201 DSD 78400-722 MRF12-14 Day or MRF12-28 Day On-SiteDSD EDGEDSD 78401-176MRF12-EDGEOn-SiteAdvantage PlusADV 78400-776ADV12On-SiteCER-1 / CER-2CER-MV-PMMRF12-MVMSR Depot w/ Loaner MedService Repair Offers Discounted PM Kits ...

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  3189 Hits

CER1 Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is no longer just a good idea, it's a wise business decision that both increases the life expectancy of your AER (automatic endoscope reprocessor) while decreasing the the down time involved with machine malfunctions and more involved repairs. It just makes sense! The CER1, along with many other AERs all need preventative maintenance done and the sooner you put together a maintenance plan and schedule the less likely that your practice will be found wanting. Don't let the small size of the ativ deceive you, it still needs PM. There's a number of parts that are the typi...

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  1502 Hits

Medical Devices and the WHO

Medical devices are critical to the general public's overall health. They assist with the diagnosis, prevention and rehabilitation of many diseases and illnesses. And while the WHO (World Health Organization) may not be a typical resource you might seek out for guidance when upgrading your medical equipment, it does make sense to read about their role and impact with medical devices and some of the resources they offer. You may find their step by step guides helpful with the process. This is especially important when making sweeping changes or considering wha...

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  1719 Hits

Endoscope Tip Protectors or Not?

Medical offices often make huge investments in not only endoscopes and the equipment necessary to clean and properly maintain them, but often the building itself, electrical system and water supply in preparation for the type of equipment and the manufacturer's requirements for installation. What doesn't typically come with all endoscopes is tip protectors. It's often the last thing you'd think about. Just like buying patio furniture for the first time, it's not until the rain comes or the sun starts to fade the fabric that you think maybe I should have purchased covers for them. Well the same...

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  1396 Hits

Scope Buddy - What and Why?

So what's a "Scope Buddy®" you ask? In a nutshell, it's described by its manufacturer as an "endoscope flushing aid". It's meant to only be used as an aid during the manual cleaning cycle of endoscope reprocessing however. The manufacturer also makes it clear that is not intended to manually clean endoscopes. With that said, the Scope Buddy® offers a simple way of achieving hands-free flushing of endoscopes during their reprocessing cycle. If you've ever manually cleaned an endoscope you know that it's not a simple task and the repetitive motions necessary to do the job well can present a long...

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  3814 Hits

Preventative Maintenance | DSD-EDGE & DSD-201

Preventative Maintenance on Automatic Endoscopic Reprocessors is almost never on the top of the list of things to handle unless the unit's not functioning correctly. Medical offices are typically so busy with so many important things to do it could easily be pushed to the absolute latest acceptable date within the manufacturer's guidelines. But this is not the best practice of course if you're interested in keeping your AER in the best condition possible. And while it may seem like common sense, adding the DSD-EDGE PM (preventative maintenance) scheduled day to your Calendar may not be a bad i...

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  1552 Hits