What are 0.1 Micron Filters

.1 Micron filters are an extremely specialized filtration device that captures particles as small as 0.1 micrometers (μm) in diameter. One micron is one-millionth of a meter, which means these filters are engineered to stop particles that are much smaller than most bacteria or pathogens. To get a perspective of how small 0.1 micrometers is, a human hair is typically 70-100 micrometers. This means that 0.1 micrometers is 700 to 1,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. Considering that that most bacteria range in size from 0.5 to 5 micrometers, 0.1 micrometers is about 5-50 times smal...

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  176 Hits

Enzymatic Products Why?

There are numerous enzymatic products on the market. This is especially true in the medical field and we sell a number of them here on this web site. But have you ever wondered, what does "Enzymatic" really mean and why enzymes are so critical to include in these products we offer?  If you look up the word in the dictionary you get: "adjective" 1. Of or relating to an Enzyme.Not much help in this writer's opinion. Digging a little deeper we find that "Enzymatic" typically refers to processes or substance(s) that involve or are related to enzymes. Still not a great explanation so we need t...

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  597 Hits

Enzymatic Detergents Uses | Traditional vs Medical

Enzymatic detergents are a type of cleaning agent that contain enzymes, which are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. These detergents are commonly used in a variety of industries, including the medical field. In this article, we will discuss the differences between traditional uses of enzymatic detergents and their uses in the medical field. Traditional Use of Enzymatic Detergents Enzymatic detergents have been used in the household and commercial cleaning industries for many years. They are effective in removing stains and soils from a variety of surfaces, including fabrics, dishes, a...

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  718 Hits

Searching for Steris Filters

Filters for AER (automated endoscopic reprocessor) machines along with many other parts and consumables they use are ongoing PM or maintenance replacement items. So, it makes sense that there would be a healthy OEM compatible replacement filter market with products that meet or exceed the manufacturers own strict quality guidelines. Well, there is but they can be a little hard to find if you're using a search engine. If you search for "Steris Filters" on Google you'll find that there are 308,000 results (at least today) and almost nothing on the 1st page of results other than Steris' own shopp...

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  655 Hits

Endoscopic Supplies

 If your medical practice offers endoscopy, then you probably already know that there are endoscopic supplies needed on a regular basis to keep the equipment running and your patients safe. Many of these products are considered consumables (one-time-use) and just like finding the best value on the initial purchase of your endoscopy equipment buying the high-quality consumables at the lowest cost makes a big difference in your practices balance sheet each year. There's plenty of different endoscopic products that you'll need that are more often than not one-time-use. Some of those categori...

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  767 Hits

Buying Enzymatic Detergents

Typically, enzymatic cleaners are used in the healthcare industry. They're used to clean and decontaminate many different types of medical equipment and devices. And when it comes to Endoscopy they are sometimes referred to as enzymatic detergents as well. This is because the surfactants used in their formulation lift soils from medical instruments. While it's probably obvious based on the naming convention, enzymatic detergents are formulated using enzymes. The structure of these enzymes reacts and break down soils extremely efficiently. They literally target soils making them extremely effec...

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  851 Hits

Cantel / Medivators

We carry, repair and service the leading manufacturer's medical devices, equipment, products and consumables. So we thought it would make sense to spend a little time talking about one of the leaders in the market, Cantel Medical Corp. Cantel Medical Corporation is clearly one of the industry leading manufacturers of medical equipment. Cantel is an American company who is based in Little Falls, NJ and focuses in the "Medical Devices" industry. It was founded in 1963 and primarily focuses on infection prevention and compliance, water purification and filtration. Cantel Origins Cantel originated...

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  1849 Hits

Xenon Lamps & Endoscopy Equipment

Ever wondered what the big deal is with Xenon Lamps? Let's go over some of the basics to bring you up to speed. Xenon lamps create light by sending electricity through an ionized gas at very high pressure. The reaction creates an extremely bright white light that looks a lot like natural sunlight. Its uses are abundant ranging from searchlights, film projector lights, the medical industry, science labs and even automotive headlamps, although these are little different. While Xenon lamps seem like a newer technology the technology was first discovered by P. Schulz in 1944. Once discovered the r...

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  1273 Hits


DON'T THROW IT AWAY, WE WILL BRING IT BACK TO LIFE! If you have a Medivators / Cantel Scope Buddy, odds are that you love it. We want you to know that you have options for repairs and replacement tubing! MedService Repair provides full Scope Buddy support including Service and Replacement Tubing. The Medivators Scope Buddy is a fantastic flushing pump used by facilities across the United States. While many believe that the Scope Buddy is a consumable that cannot be repaired, the reality is that a Scope Buddy can be repaired. Why replace a Scope Buddy with a newer model that costs thousands of ...

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  5541 Hits

Damaged Endoscope Tip or Lense?

HAVE YOU EVER SENT A SCOPE TO BE REPAIRED BECAUSE OF A DAMAGED TIP OR LENS?MedService Repair Tip Protectors are a low cost solution to reduce high cost endoscope repairs!MedService Repair Endoscope Tip Protectors: Superior Protection, Increased Infection Prevention MedService Repair Endoscope Tip Protectors are semi-flexible expandable mesh products (latex free) designed for the protection of Endoscopes and delicate surgical instruments during transport and storage. The clean, non-absorbing, semi-flexible expandable mesh offers the sensitive tip of medical instruments protection from both fron...

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  2898 Hits

High-Level Disinfection

 Infections from pathogens being transmitted from medical instruments and equipment is a very real risk that must be dealt with very seriously. The protocols and products used must be carefully considered and selected with a full understanding of their strengths and weaknesses to keep patients safe. There's a number of medical instruments and equipment that cannot be cleaned and sterilized utilizing heat. The answer for most of these situations including most endoscopes is the use of a high-level disinfectant. You might be asking what "high-level disinfection" actually means. Well arguabl...

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  1010 Hits

Enzymatic Cleaners?

Well, when you first come across the word "Enzymatic Cleaners" it comes across to most as a pretty fancy word that's not exactly easy to pronounce when first read. But enzymatic cleaners are mostly used in the medical realm to decontaminate medical devices, equipment and their accessories. They are used a great deal with equipment having to do with Endoscopy procedures as the surfactants used are designed to break down and remove organic proteins from these devices after use. The enzymes in enzymatic cleaners or detergents are what actually break down the organic matter left on these medical d...

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  982 Hits

Choosing an AER | Part 8 - Consumables

 When you're in the market for an AER often times the "little things", recurring costs like test strips and other consumables, are overlooked or at least put on the back-burner. The features an AER might offer are usually the first consideration and the price is right there with it as the price may rule out many of the options you have. But those "little things" will be what you're left with after you take the plunge on the purchase. And what if you ruled out an option based solely on the machine's price but didn't take into consideration the savings on those little things, like consumabl...

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  848 Hits

Choosing an AER (Part 5: Disinfectants)

When you make your decision on which AER to purchase you might be somewhat stuck with the responsibility of using disinfectants and detergents that the manufacturer designed the Automatic Endoscopic Reprocessor to be used with. It's similar to buying a Ferrari and needing to always buy premium fuel going forward. Maybe this is not an issue for you and it's definitely not always the case. However, it something to consider. The type of disinfectants / chemicals used directly impact the reprocessing time, efficacy and the energy used to operate the equipment. There's a number of factors that dete...

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  1028 Hits