Choosing an AER


While it may seem like common sense, you really need to consider what your budget is prior to even starting the hunt for an Automated Endoscopic Reprocessor. Prices are all over the board as are sizes, options and features for endoscopic scope sterilization machines (AERs).

As with all technology the price per feature and the feature's capability typically falls over time but the amount of features and their capabilities continue to increase while the size of units get smaller and more compact increases the machines price. That said, research you've done last year is sometimes meaningless for a purchase this year.

Buying the most expensive AER is not always the best option even it has the biggest list of features and wow factors. You could easily spend over $65,000 and not even purchased the best there is. Instead, you may consider looking AERs that have the features that your practice needs instead of a machine that has every possible feature offered. You could easily save thirty to fifty percent of the purchase price by applying this disciplined approach.

Beyond the budget, there's a number of additional considerations when purchasing a Reprocessor machine.

And lets not forget to consider your specific office environment and what is suitable for the limitations (if any) of your specific site. There's many sizes of AERs. Some fit on a counter top. Some are mobile and can moved to locations as needed. Others can literally be a wall separating the used scopes and contaminants that result from the reprocessed units which would come out on the other side of the wall. This is arguably one of the best models to limit the possibility of infection but may also be way outside of your budget or space constraints.

There's other things to consider as well with regards to environment locale.

  • Electrical Supply
  • Plumbing Supply
So there's obviously a lot to consider when acquiring one of these amazing machines. We'll go over some of the bulleted list details in future articles about buying and AER for your office.
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